Mandriva One and Kiosk : new found Freedom
Either you got smarter, or Linux just got easier
Mandriva Linux is the most widely recommended system for Linux beginners. It’s loved by its fans for its unmatched Control Center, the graphical tool for managing your whole system, and other home-made tools. As a pionneering Desktop Linux distribution, it opened the way to many others.
Now, we simply pushed the frenzy a little further.
A single CD, packed with user-friendliness, hardware recognition, stability and powerful applications galore. You can use it without installing it, by simply inserting the CD into your CD or DVD drive and booting your computer.
Your Internet connection is working, you can read your e-mail, listen to music, play a little and, if you really need to, you can use the OpenOffice.org suite to get some work done.
That’s when you say: “I want more of this!”
So you simply click on the “Install” icon on the desktop, let the formatting tool do the choices for you, reboot, take out the CD, choose Linux on the bootloader, feel proud of knowing that a system made out of freely exchanged knowledge and code is just booting on your computer right there under your nose, to finally feel a little embarrassed when you notice that the system saved your documents and that you had no need to email them to yourself.
After that… yeah, after that what happens?
Well, you’re Free! Free to roam through the web, probably our websites, looking for something interesting to do with your new system. Then, suddenly, it strikes you!
People told you Linux was like Hell: no pain, no gain. You start sweating, thinking that you’ll never see a Flash animation again, because, even if you could, you wouldn’t be able to install the Player! No more free phone calls over the internet, no more instant messaging, no more video conferencing, no more, no more…
But there’s Light! Yes, LIGHT!
You enter this peaceful website and you read “HEAVEN, Freedom is a simple choice”. Huh?
You read again, and in fact it read “KIOSK, Freedom is a simple choice. Install software bundles from the Web in one click”. You’re stunned. And I don’t blame you… what a ride!
From hell to heaven in one click.
Now you curse, for you know you won’t sleep for a few nights. You can already hear her calling, but you just can’t get enough of this new-found freedom.
Say goodbye to those dirty windows, throw down the gates, and breath the fresh air of Freedom!
Download Mandriva One and subscribe to Kiosk.
A new world awaits.