Posted in Mandriva, Français, English, Products, Kiosk at 7:07 pm by Alexandre Solleiro
English version available, please scroll down
Version française
Nous avons mis à jour deux suites, et publié deux nouvelles suites sur Mandriva Kiosk.
KDE 3.5.4 : Nous avons sauté la version 3.5.3 et voici la 3.5.4 toute fraîche!
Mozilla Pack : Les dernières versions des “killer-apps” de Mozilla, Firefox et Thunderbird
Pingus 0.6 : Des tas de pingouins et d’heures de diversion avec ce jeu grâce à son éditeur de niveaux.
Lecteurs vidéo : Tous les lecteurs, pour ne plus rater une seule vidéo.
C’est l’heure du click !
English version
We have updated two bundles and added two new bundles to the Kiosk catalog.
KDE 3.5.4: We skipped the 3.5.3 version and you can now install a fresh 3.5.4 version!
Mozilla Pack The latest versions of the Mozilla killer apps, Firefox and Thunderbird
Pingus 0.6: Penguins and hours of fun galore with this Lemmings clone game that includes a level editor.
Video players : All the best players, so you won’t ever miss another video.
Do the one-click thing!
Posted in Mandriva, English, Products, Mandriva Linux 2007, 3D at 12:07 pm by Alexandre Solleiro
The 3D-Desktop has been a hot topic since Novell showed-off their XGL/Compiz integration for NLD 10 at a Solutions Linux conference in January this year. Useless for some, simply cool for others. In any case, there’s a “Wow” factor that’s just good for Linux on the desktop: your neighbours during train or plane trips always ask “what’s with the cube”? “Oh, this is a Linux desktop”, you answer. And that’s when you’ll give her the speech.
So Blino baked a recipe, put it all in Cooker and made a video of Mandriva Linux 2007 running sexy Compiz effects (powered by XGL in this case). Check it out:
We’re enabling both AIGLX and XGL technologies in Mandriva Linux 2007. The selection will be automatic, so it’s a transparent process for you (unless you want to tweak and hack and break and make
). We handle Intel, Nvidia and ATI chipsets through both proprietary and Free drivers. It works on both KDE and GNOME desktop environments.
Apart from those addictive effects (try using a 3D-Desktop for a few days then go back to a plain old desktop to understand “addictive effects”) and the “Wow factor”, many say there’s not much to the 3D-Desktop on Linux yet. Major Linux distributions, and some smaller ones, have just integrated these technologies. This was the first step.
When you’re done showing-off your cool Mandriva Linux 2007 and evangelizing the great things we can achieve through Free and Open Source Software, go make some great 3D-ready applications!