
New bundles available on Kiosk

Posted in Mandriva, Français, English, Products, Kiosk at 7:07 pm by Alexandre Solleiro

English version available, please scroll down

Version française

Nous avons mis à jour deux suites, et publié deux nouvelles suites sur Mandriva Kiosk.

  • KDE 3.5.4 : Nous avons sauté la version 3.5.3 et voici la 3.5.4 toute fraîche!
  • Mozilla Pack : Les dernières versions des “killer-apps” de Mozilla, Firefox et Thunderbird
  • Pingus 0.6 : Des tas de pingouins et d’heures de diversion avec ce jeu grâce à son éditeur de niveaux.
  • Lecteurs vidéo : Tous les lecteurs, pour ne plus rater une seule vidéo.

C’est l’heure du click !

English version

We have updated two bundles and added two new bundles to the Kiosk catalog.

  • KDE 3.5.4: We skipped the 3.5.3 version and you can now install a fresh 3.5.4 version!
  • Mozilla Pack The latest versions of the Mozilla killer apps, Firefox and Thunderbird
  • Pingus 0.6: Penguins and hours of fun galore with this Lemmings clone game that includes a level editor.
  • Video players : All the best players, so you won’t ever miss another video.

Do the one-click thing!


Say hello to 3D

Posted in Mandriva, English, Products, Mandriva Linux 2007, 3D at 12:07 pm by Alexandre Solleiro

The 3D-Desktop has been a hot topic since Novell showed-off their XGL/Compiz integration for NLD 10 at a Solutions Linux conference in January this year. Useless for some, simply cool for others. In any case, there’s a “Wow” factor that’s just good for Linux on the desktop: your neighbours during train or plane trips always ask “what’s with the cube”? “Oh, this is a Linux desktop”, you answer. And that’s when you’ll give her the speech.

So Blino baked a recipe, put it all in Cooker and made a video of Mandriva Linux 2007 running sexy Compiz effects (powered by XGL in this case). Check it out:

Mandriva Linux 2007 3D Desktop
Uploaded by mandriva

We’re enabling both AIGLX and XGL technologies in Mandriva Linux 2007. The selection will be automatic, so it’s a transparent process for you (unless you want to tweak and hack and break and make ;) ). We handle Intel, Nvidia and ATI chipsets through both proprietary and Free drivers. It works on both KDE and GNOME desktop environments.

Apart from those addictive effects (try using a 3D-Desktop for a few days then go back to a plain old desktop to understand “addictive effects”) and the “Wow factor”, many say there’s not much to the 3D-Desktop on Linux yet. Major Linux distributions, and some smaller ones, have just integrated these technologies. This was the first step.

When you’re done showing-off your cool Mandriva Linux 2007 and evangelizing the great things we can achieve through Free and Open Source Software, go make some great 3D-ready applications!

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