Say hello to 3D
The 3D-Desktop has been a hot topic since Novell showed-off their XGL/Compiz integration for NLD 10 at a Solutions Linux conference in January this year. Useless for some, simply cool for others. In any case, there’s a “Wow” factor that’s just good for Linux on the desktop: your neighbours during train or plane trips always ask “what’s with the cube”? “Oh, this is a Linux desktop”, you answer. And that’s when you’ll give her the speech.
So Blino baked a recipe, put it all in Cooker and made a video of Mandriva Linux 2007 running sexy Compiz effects (powered by XGL in this case). Check it out:
We’re enabling both AIGLX and XGL technologies in Mandriva Linux 2007. The selection will be automatic, so it’s a transparent process for you (unless you want to tweak and hack and break and make ). We handle Intel, Nvidia and ATI chipsets through both proprietary and Free drivers. It works on both KDE and GNOME desktop environments.
Apart from those addictive effects (try using a 3D-Desktop for a few days then go back to a plain old desktop to understand “addictive effects”) and the “Wow factor”, many say there’s not much to the 3D-Desktop on Linux yet. Major Linux distributions, and some smaller ones, have just integrated these technologies. This was the first step.
When you’re done showing-off your cool Mandriva Linux 2007 and evangelizing the great things we can achieve through Free and Open Source Software, go make some great 3D-ready applications!
» Mandriva 2007 promete XGL y AIGLX » Linux Platense said,
August 22, 2006 at 2:25 pm
[…] Artículo completo en WebTeam Blog. […]
Bas said,
August 23, 2006 at 9:29 pm
Nice to see XGL in Mandriva but please get rid
of the ugly theme and make it more clean like Ubunutu or
mangoo said,
August 23, 2006 at 9:31 pm
Any instructions on how to get it to work with current cooker?
Tod-OS.com :: Te ponemos al dia » Mandriva 2007 incorporar� soporte Xgl/AIGLX 2.0 said,
August 24, 2006 at 8:38 am
[…] Mandriva 2007 dispondr� de soporte 3D mediante el uso de Xgl y/� AIGLX. El usuario podr� elegir entre uno y otro siempre y cuando el controlador de su tarjeta gr�fica lo permita. La aceleraci�n gr�fica estar� disponible tanto para KDE como para GNOME. Enviado por Ordo 24/8/2006 7:37 am | | | Mandrake […]
Alexandre Solleiro said,
August 24, 2006 at 2:40 pm
@Bas : It’s the 2006 theme you’re seeing there.
@mango: Sure, take a look at this http://qa.mandriva.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/AcceleratedDesktop
gewb said,
August 24, 2006 at 2:48 pm
Is there a non-Flash site available to see screen shots?
Dan said,
August 26, 2006 at 6:42 am
Dreamlinux XGL Edition already features this Compiz Window MANAGER:
Dmitry Nikolaev said,
August 26, 2006 at 12:03 pm
Sure, Bas is right!
Get us more beautiful theme by default, and you get more users!
I spent fir 1 year with Mandrake - Mandrive, then i saw Opensuse default theme &…
Install Opensuse in all LAN computers…
Sure, I would install Mandriva, if it’ll be more beautiful by default!
刀枪Blue » Say hello to 3D said,
August 27, 2006 at 3:44 am
[…] 首先,是今年 1 月 Solutions Linux 上 Novell 的卖弄,然后是小巨人 Ubuntu 的推波助澜,还有往 Fedora 和 Vista 身上的贴金或者扣屎,这下子,是 Mandriva Say hello。 […]
jorge said,
August 29, 2006 at 4:24 am
bueno, como mandrake user no tuvew mucho exito desde que la conoci en 1999 siempre a tenido un problema con el pointer o raton como lo quieran llamar se pone muy inestable y por el volor del box y despues elvalor de mandrriva club es la distro mas cara y inestable que he visto aunque el pinter volviendose loco tambien lo he visto en otras distros, espero que alla mejorado y que alguna vez laparte de soporte funcione cuando se pregunta sobre alguna falla esta y fedora nunca he podido hacer funcionar mi extigy, y en otras como kubunto funciona a la maravillas y lindows tambien como dije por el precio no lo vale espero que cambie cuando salga le voy a dar un vistazo
polishlinux.org » Mandriva 2007 Beta 2 - short review said,
August 29, 2006 at 7:40 pm
[…] What I miss in the latest Mandriva is - by no doubt - the search integration. After what we’ve seen in Ubuntu 6.06 and openSUSE 10.1, this should be a standard in all modern distros. In Mandriva, you cannot find any of those quick-search panels displaying the desktop and web search results delivered by Beagle and other search engines. The fancy-desktop lovers are in a better situation, though. There is an quite easy way to add AIGLX or XGL+Compiz support. You can either do it graphically or use a config file for that. […]
Webteam Blog » Mandriva Linux 2007 Beta 3 : Tyr said,
September 2, 2006 at 1:43 pm
[…] It’s time to embrace 3-dimensional Mandriva Linux. Tyr delivers a ONE CD with 3D Desktops enabled: […]
jishu1972 said,
September 17, 2006 at 10:02 am
well ok, nice the 3D, but what about make available some decent , realy, fonts ?
something comparable to apple or windows, something that doesn’t look ugly and that can improve visibility, please…
John said,
September 19, 2006 at 10:42 pm
Have a look at Mac OS X with aqua quartz etc.
Strange i have seen this face before…?
So now you have a 3d desktop what about the linux geeks that are crying about not to use a graphic desktop because of the so called performance and stability issue…? They say that linux in fact is not powerfull enough to have a graphic desktop. So MS Windows remains in place for very long long time.
What a world.